Friday 14 January 2011

ENTRY #2: Vaseline & Pepper (short story animation, mixed media)

Vaseline & Pepper from Fraser Munden on Vimeo.

This is a short film and animation made by local Montreal film maker Fraser Munden. I came across it when I noticed some of my friends posingt it up on facebook and were giving it a lot of positive feedback. The short film is about a fellow Montrealer  telling the story about a mischievous outing to a strip club with his older brother’s friend when he was only twelve. He used Vaseline and pepper on his face to get in; pretending he was older.

The video is comprised of digitally outlining the contour of his face in the beginning, giving him an air of anonymity but hints at the cartoonish and comical nature of the story. Other media types in the video include flash animations of crayon-drawn storyboards, and a stop-motion animation made out of paper depicting the butterflies that were in his stomach.

 I found it be a particularly interesting combination of mixed media. Dubbed with his own voice for all the characters,  it really brought the crayon drawings to life in intricate manner. His voice really sucks you into the story and shows the viewer what the perspective of a 12 year old boy is when facing the adult world. All the awe and excitement is brought out by keeping a colorful, childhood-like theme. It is a very effective (multimedia) image-remix and a collage in itself really. I enjoyed it so much that I must have watched it over a dozen times by now.

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